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Who should we love the most?

Who is that one person who we should love the most?


Whom do we go to when we are in pain or when the whole world seems alien to us? 
Yes, MOM it is. Amma, Mumma, Mother, Ammi, any word you call her with, she has the same emotion! Even the animals have that affection. Read more on our new blog - Lifenatphil

Best person in our Life ? - Mom
Who wouldn't agree that the best person in our lives is our mom, she is the one we search for when we are happy or when we feel low. Even though we are struggling to study, get settled in life, to follow our passions and to make our dreams come true, we all know one sure thing that our mother always got our back and she is our support system wether we succeed or fail. Whatelse can any man ask for, better than her in life.

#momquotes #momlife #motherlove #motherhood


