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Showing posts from October, 2020

Selfish People all around! - How to be cautious

Everyone of us in our lives come across Selfish People. As soon as we find one, we start googling, quotes on selfish friends, quotes on selfish people, but do we realize that we should keep ourselves away from Selfish people? Selfish people become toxic soon. And before they eat you up, you should distance  yourself from them. You are strong enough to hold your emotions. And I can help you with it.  Here is a small post on How to be Cautious about Selfish People  - Click here to read more. Here are few things which might be of your use                            

How to deal with Cheaters - an expert guide

It takes a great deal to stand up against our Loved one's to make them confess things! How to deal with Cheaters - an Expert Guide, helps you. Even when we know that they are cheating on us, we feel helpless and cannot do anything but cry in loneliness. Is that what we should really do? Are you the only person who is having this problem? No my dear friend, many people out there are going through this right now or might have gone through it. Learn from others life experiences or seek help to overcome that and deal with it. Click here to read more! You can reach out to us here and seek help or  You can find few heart healing materials here. Go through them and you will feel better.                                            

Nature and it's teachings | Philosophical | Scientific

Nature is an Amazing teacher of Life! We learn many interesting life lessons and get motivated from it. A small ant lifts huge weights and if it falls, it again lifts it. We burn the forests, and yet, slowly after sometimes, growth begins and again a forest is formed. There are many such interesting life lessons. For quotes about nature, examples on how Nature helps us and how it teaches us valuable life lessons, To Read the full Article  Click Here Here are Few things you might be interested in reading or watching                            

True Love

Did you ever feel like you should show few people what TRUE LOVE is? Did you want them to feel that full positive energy that Love gives? Read on the full article on What True Love is and How we should value our relationships with our loved ones on  Lifenatphil  . For those of you familiar with the World Famous Harry Potter movies, here is what Severus tells Albus Dumbledore when he casts the Patronus same as that of Lily. - Dr. Dee Sim 
